Whispered Glories – Mark 4:21-25

Message for Sunday, July 9, 2017 entitled Whispered Glories.
Message for Sunday, July 9, 2017 entitled Whispered Glories.
Easter Sunday Services will be held at 10:00am. Come celebrate the resurrection of our Lord with us! Prior to the service at 8:00 there will be a pancake breakfast. A free-will offering will be taken to help fund this summer’s backpacking trip to the Sangre de Christo Range in Colorado.
Announcements | Week of April 10th • Join us for Mid-week Bible study this Thursday at 6pm. •This Friday, April 14th, at 7pm Taintor Church will be hosting a Community-wide Good Friday service. All are welcome! • Pancake breakfast this Sunday at 8am! Breakfast will be free-will donation for our upcoming Colorado backpacking trip. After […]
As Christians, we are often told that we need to read the Bible. While that instruction is sound, what are we trying to accomplish when we do crack open the pages of Holy Scripture? In this week’s message ‘Listening For Logos’ we look at why God gave us the scriptures and how we can be […]
In 2007, on a trip to Rwanda, I learned a local saying. I don’t remember how to say it in the local dialect, but the english translations meant ‘the hills have eyes’. Basically the saying means than you’re never totally alone. Nothing done in secret is immune from consequences. That idea is a main theme […]
Are you ready and equipped to overcome any obstacle that life throws your way? For Christians, we may not always feel ready for what we have to deal with, and we may not always feel equipped. But no matter how we feel, God has given us three tools through which we can hear his voice […]
While explaining the Kingdom of God, Jesus tells one parable about the mustard seed. What can we learn about life in the Kingdom from this garden plant?
We are all in a constant state of becoming. But what are we becoming? What kind of fruit is our life producing? Fruit that will be useful for the Kingdom of Heaven? As we continue our look at the parables of Jesus in Matthew 13, today we look at the parable of the weeds.
We all have questions that we want answered as we seek truth. There are times in life when answers come suddenly and unexpectedly. Sometimes the things we have been looking for were right under our noses all the time. Other times it seems the answers we seek remain hidden. The enemy of our souls would […]
Sometimes when we do what we think we’re supposed to do, things don’t turn out like we think they should. Sometimes life hurts. How we respond when we come up against circumstances that challenge us can tell us a lot about who we are and what we believe. In this week’s message, All The Way, […]